Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 16 August - Obama's Gulf Swim Was Fake

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 1:30 AM
Subject: CC Issue 16 August - Obama's Gulf Swim Was Fake

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Obama's Gulf Swim Was Fake
By Stephen Lendman

On August 15, AP reported that Obama gave his "personal assurances of (the) Gulf's safety," saying: "Beaches all along the Gulf Coast are clean, they are safe, and they are open for business. He lied.Obama and his daughter, Sasha, swam in a private Panama City Beach, FL beach off Alligator Point in St. Andrew Bay, not part of the Gulf

Mumbai Oil Spill: Key Issues- Action Required
By Steven L D' Souza

The collision between MSC Chitra and MV Khalija III on August 7 th 2010, near Prongs Light, a lighthouse off the coast of Mumbai, between JNPT and Mumbai ports , two of the nation's busiest ports that handle nearly 40% of sea bound traffic, and 75%(JNPT) of container traffic, raises many key issues that need to be addressed as well as call for some immediate as well as long term remedial action

Support Our Work In The Gulf
By Dahr Jamail

Support Dahr Jamail's work In The Gulf

An Israeli Attack On Iran Would Reduce
Barack Obama To A One-Term President
By Juan Cole

A Netanyahu attack on Iran would reduce Barack Obama to a one-term president, which may be what Goldberg and his fellow conspirators are really aiming for. That success would after all allow them to keep to the 5-year timetable for another Asian land war

Formalizing Israel's Land Grab
By Chris Hedges

Desperate Israeli politicians, watching opposition to their apartheid state mount, have proposed a perverted form of what they term "the one-state solution." It is the latest tool to thwart a Palestinian state and allow Israel to retain its huge settlement complexes and land seizures in East Jerusalem and the West Bank

Bin Laden is Dead;Long Live "Bin Laden"
By Maidhc Ó Cathail

With the hunt for the elusive bin Laden having already cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, perhaps Americans should demand conclusive proof that Israel hasn't conned them into fighting a phoney "war on terror."

The Dominoes Of Balochistan
By Peter Chamberlin

The day must come when sanity prevails in Balochistan, no matter which side proves to be acting in a rational manner

A Third Party: The Choice
For The African-American Masses
By Frederick Alexander Meade

In the many months since the 2008 presidential election, an increasing number of those within the African-American community have begun to question whether the electing of the United States first African-American President, Barack Obama, has functioned to yield any significant results in regard to remedying the abject condition of many of the group's members

Wake Up Obama
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

It seems that Obama has taken some power-narcotic and entered into a delusional mental state. He persists in talking as if the Great Recession is over and all is going just swell. His wife takes the kids for a vacation in Spain and soon the whole family will go up to a swank place in Cape Cod for another vacation and, of course, Obama likes to go out golfing frequently. Does any rational being perceive he really feels the pain that so many citizens feel? He lives the life of a typical rich and powerful corporate CEO, not a servant of the people

Prisons, Cages And Human Suffering
By Mary Hamer

To condemn, shame and hate criminals is to condemn, shame and hate ourselves. We humans are cruel in the way we judge others with our righteous attitudes

Alleged Child Soldier On Trial At Gitmo
By Mary Shaw

Canadian citizen Omar Khadr is now facing trial via a U.S. military commission at Guantanamo Bay. Khadr is accused of throwing a hand grenade which killed a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan in 2002 and injured two others.Khadr was only 15 years old when he was detained and sent to Gitmo, where he was allegedly subjected to harsh interrogations, beatings, and other ill-treatment

The Cold-Blooded Murder In Jharkhand
By Gladson Dungdung

On July 5th, 2010, the security forces picked up 45 year-old Etwa Munda of Papirdah village in Ranchi district of Jharkhand and killed him in a fake encounter

Protest, Curfew, Shutdown Continue In Kashmir
By Sheikh Imran Bashir

Heavy firing was reported this afternoon around Tengpora-Batamaloo in which at least six people were wounded when police and Rapid Action Force used force to disperse the protestors at Tengpora in Srinagar today

Kashmir: Green Turns Red
By Idrees Athar

I had vowed some years ago not to write even a single line – much against my intrinsic tendencies. The gory images of young boys and their descriptions rattled my conscience. For days I couldn't sleep. Despite the bunch of high worded prayers nothing came to my rescue

Imagining Kashmir From India
By Rahul Pathak

It is necessary that we should understand this Kashmiri imagination and then progress with the healing process. Only lamenting the deaths of children is not the healing that can be provided to Kashmir. Kashmir needs a serious dialogue amongst all the stakeholders and a dialogue which will not betray the deaths of these children who had their imaginations about Kashmir and which we are unable to see because of our Indian sunglasses

Shoe Throwing On Independence Day!
By Mustafa Khan

Kashmir valley's crop of grapes of wrath will ferment more discontent than we have seen so far. Bullets and stones will erode whatever democratic pretensions we still have in our repertoire

Online Exhibition On Kandamal By Dalit Artists
By Orissa Concerns

Dalit artists, Shashi Memuri and Venkatesh have completed a series of paintings and sketches for an exhibition on the situation in Kandhamal after visiting more than 50 villages in the area recently. These can be downloaded and print outs can be taken in A/3 size

Turning The Wheel Of Interfaith Dialogue In India
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

An Islamic academy in Bhatkal, Karanataka has taken a lead in this direction and trying to reach out to the people with the intention of interfaith dialogue between Islam and other religions in India. The academy has various projects running very successfully and their initiative needs to be emulated in other parts of the country and other faiths too can a lesson or two from them

The Scott Sisters: Victimized By American Injustice
By Stephen Lendman

Their story is shocking, disturbing, yet common - African Americans indicted, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned despite their innocence. Nearly always society's most vulnerable are affected, including Muslims by the "war on terror" and people of color - Jamie and Gladys Scott's experience explained below

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Palash Biswas
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