Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Shell oil is about to start deap water drilling in the Artic - more despolation

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Date: Wed, May 26, 2010 at 3:22 AM
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May 25, 2010
Tomgram: Subhankar Banerjee, Oil Follies in the Arctic

[Note for TomDispatch Readers: As a companion piece to Subhankar Banerjee's unique eyewitness report on how the search for oil in northern waters may destroy America's Arctic ecology, let me suggest -- just in case you missed it -- Michael Klare's recent TD post, "The Relentless Pursuit of Extreme Energy." Together, they offer an unparalleled picture of a global energy nightmare in the making. ]

oily low lights : crg

"...Sometimes the future is filled with surprises.  On other occasions, it can be painfully predictable.  In the case of drilling for oil in the extreme reaches of America's Arctic seas, the latter is the case.  BP's catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, growing worse by the hour, is a living lesson in what will happen, sooner or later, if America's Arctic waters are opened to the giant oil companies.  If their drill rigs arrive, rest assured, despoliation will follow; and barring the sort of quick action by President Obama or Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar that Congressional representatives are increasingly calling for, rest assured as well that they will come.  Despite the sobering vision of BP's collosal mess in the Gulf, Shell Oil is reportedly "moving vessels and other equipment from distant locations, in preparation for assembling its Arctic drilling fleet" in Alaskan Arctic waters this summer to bore test wells.  The company apparently has no second thoughts on the subject.

The difference between the Gulf of Mexico and those northern waters is this: the climate is far less conducive to clean-up operations.  If Shell were to "BP" the Alaskan Arctic, despite its effusive claims for the safety of its drilling operations and similarly profuse promises that it's ready to cap and clean the oil spills it essentially insists can't happen, real help would be in short supply and a long way off.

If the oil company is allowed to go through with its drilling plans in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas and anything goes wrong, the nearest Coast Guard base would be almost 1,000 miles distant, the nearest cleanup vessels and equipment too few and 100 miles away, the nearest airports capable of handling large cargo planes similarly at least 100 miles away, and the nearest "major potential supply city," Seattle, a couple of thousand miles away.  Combine this with extreme local conditions and you have a surefire recipe for turning "drill, baby, drill" into "disaster, baby, disaster."  ....

Subhankar Banerjee is the foremost photographer of perhaps the most beautiful, ecologically diverse, climatically extreme, and deeply desired oil drilling location in North America, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  In the Bush years, he had a strange experience: an exhibit of photographs from his book Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, was to appear at a major venue in the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History, but in May 2003, the museum suddenly moved the exhibit to a more obscure spot and stripped it of its captions which -- horror of horrors -- "included statements advocating the protection of the refuge."  The Arctic Refuge was never opened to the oil companies.  The rest of the Arctic may not be so lucky.  After years photographing there, Banerjee knows just what drilling in our Arctic waters will mean and what, if the Obama administration doesn't move with speed, will surely be lost in the process -- a world of staggering, generative richness which, distant as it may be, is our world, too.  (To catch Timothy MacBain's TomCast audio interview with Banerjee on how big oil will impact America's Arctic waters, click here or to download it to your iPod, click here.  And don't miss Banerjee's remarkable photos both in the piece and via the note at its end.) Tom .."


BPing the Arctic?
Will the Obama Administration Allow Shell Oil to Do to Arctic Waters What BP Did to the Gulf?
By Subhankar Banerjee

Bear with me.  I'll get to the oil.  But first you have to understand where I've been and where you undoubtedly won't go, but Shell's drilling rigs surely will -- unless someone stops them.

Click here to read more of this dispatch. 

an extensive  thought provoking excellent essay crg


Subhankar Banerjee is a photographer, writer, and activist. His first book, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, received international media attention because an accompanying exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History was censored in the Bush years. He has collaborated with ornithologist Stephen Brown on Arctic Wings: Birds of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. His most recent work can be found in The Alaska Native Reader: History, Culture, Politics and A Keener Perception: Ecocritical Studies in American Art History. In 2003, Banerjee received an inaugural Cultural Freedom Fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. You can visit his website by clicking here or catch a Timothy MacBain TomCast audio interview in which he discusses how big oil will impact America's Arctic seas by clicking here (or it can be downloaded to your iPod by clicking here).

[Note on photographs: To view Subhankar Banerjee's remarkable photos of Arctic coastal ecology, click here, of Inupiat communities click here, and of the already existing Prudhoe Bay oil development complex click here.  These "albums" were specially prepared to accompany this piece.]..."


1 week ago...
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Oil Rush to Hell

Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda

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