Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire GlobalFinancial System , plus 8 more

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System , plus 8 more 

Link to Pakalert Press

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 04:56 AM PDT

Most people have no idea that Wall Street has become a gigantic financial casino. The big Wall Street banks are making tens of billions of dollars a year in the derivatives market, and nobody in the financial community wants the party to end. The word "derivatives" sounds complicated and technical, but understanding them is really not that hard. A derivative is essentially a fancy way of saying that a bet has been made. Originally, these bets were designed to hedge risk, but today the derivatives market has mushroomed into a mountain of speculation unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Estimates of the notional value of the worldwide derivatives market go from $600 trillion all the way up to $1.5 quadrillion. Keep in mind that the GDP of the entire world is only somewhere in the neighborhood of $65 trillion. The danger to the global financial system posed by derivatives is so great that Warren Buffet once called them "financial weapons of mass destruction". For now, the financial powers that be are trying to keep the casino rolling, but it is inevitable that at some point this entire mess is going to come crashing down. When it does, we are going to be facing a derivatives crisis that really could destroy the entire global financial system. Most people don't talk much about derivatives because they simply do not understand them.


If You Have Any Doubt that Bank of America is Going Down, This Development Should Settle It

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 04:40 AM PDT

We've received numerous emails from readers regarding this most recent development with Bank of America, and we're seeing the report fromWashington's Blog spreading like wildfire across alternative media like The Daily Crux and The Intel Hub. Why? Because this is big news. Really big. One of the oldest banking institutions in America is now on the brink of total insolvency. The only way to for them to be saved at this point is to take billions of dollars in losses and force those losses to be covered by the U.S. taxpayer or innocent account holders. If you're an account holder, it might be time to reconsider your allegiance, because in the near future you may be dealing with the FDIC instead of a BofA customer service representative.


Occupying America: Sowing the Seeds of a Second American Revolution

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 03:33 AM PDT

One month ago, a group of some 1000 demonstrators gathered in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park to protest the pillaging of the nation's economy by powerful corporations and international houses of high finance. While these young activists were entirely peaceful, they also made it clear that this would be no hippie-dippy flower-twirling love-in, sit-in, teach-in, or even a camp-in; this was an occupation. The demonstrators announced that they intended to Occupy Wall Street 24/7, staying until hell freezes over if need be.


10 Ways Satellites Are Used To Spy On You

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 03:17 AM PDT

In these post-9/11 days of the Patriot Act, there has come a sharp transformation of America's collective psyche with regard to the interrelationship between public security and personal liberty. Whereas in times past we had been a people who placed freedom above all else, today we seem more willing to compromise that freedom in the name of national defense. So then it comes as no surprise that Uncle Sam has been keeping a watchful eye on more than just his usual suspects: terrorists, communists, and militant environmentalists. Given the fact that satellites provide a global link between other technologies, their use in intelligence gathering is extensive indeed. Here's a list of ten ways that satellites have been used to spy on you too:


Scientists: Deadly Star Could Kill Humanity Next Year

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 02:50 AM PDT

Star on verge of going hypernova could wipe out Earth life It's name is Eta Carinae. It's a star—or to be absolutely accurate—a binary star. And it's getting ready to destroy anything within 50,000 light years of Earth. Although few have ever heard of Eta Carinae, if things go wrong—horribly wrong—it could be the final, gasping words spilling from the gnarled lips of the last dying humans on Earth. Once and for all, Doomsday really will have arrived. Although it might sound like some Grade-B Hollywood End-of-the-World thriller, the scenario is very real. All too real. And it's too close for comfort in more ways than one.


CDC Caught In Blatant Lies About Pandemics And Vaccines

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 02:35 AM PDT

The CDC relies on an authoritative presence to influence not just USA health policy, but world health policy. This prestigious presence also demands more federal funding, which is being questioned. It seems that the CDC's research, practices, and expenditures have been under scrutiny lately. Although very few know of what has been hidden from public view regarding CDC investigations, there may soon be too much dirt for the White House to cover up completely.


FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic (but keep eating it, yo!)

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 02:09 AM PDT

After years of sweeping the issue under the rug and hoping no one would notice, the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that's fatal in high doses. But the real story is where this arsenic comes from: It's added to the chicken feed on purpose!


The Top Ten Signs That You Might Be A Zombie

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:46 AM PDT

If you burn your yard rather than mow it, you might be a redneck, says comedian Jeff Foxworthy. But how might you realize you're a zombie? Here are the top ten signs that you just might be a zombie...


600 Mysteries In The Night Sky

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:27 AM PDT

NASA's Fermi team recently released the second catalog of gamma-ray sources detected by their satellite's Large Area Telescope (LAT). Of the 1873 sources found, nearly 600 are complete mysteries. No one knows what they are. "Fermi sees gamma rays coming from directions in the sky where there are no obvious objects likely to produce gamma rays," says David Thompson, Fermi Deputy Project Scientist from Goddard Space Flight Center.


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