Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] "Distraction/confusion and beyond...." - Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) writes

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Date: Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 9:10 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] "Distraction/confusion and beyond...." - Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) writes


Sardar Surinderjit Singh Rana ji,

Piare Sardar Sahib Rana ji,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

I am elaborating further on two historical relate points, where the hopeless Babbas, pseudo-sadhs or so-called holy men, jathedars/Band leaders, the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC) and the paid servants from the 'Guru-di-Gohluk or the Coffer of Guru Khalsa Panth', pseudo-Sikh academics, pseudo-Sikh politicians belonging to the Brahmins-Hindus political parties (Congress, BJP. and likewise), including the Akalis, especially Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation, etc., have failed badly to raise the Sikhs voice for their birthrights, together with their historical and religious places/rights. I would deal with them briefly to bring to the notice of the readership. My points are as follows:

1. A few weeks ago, before the highly politicized apex institution of the 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy delivered its judgement on the Historical Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, Akalis of the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation, the so-called Babbas, Jathedars/Band leaders, etc., made their visit to offer their prayers to please the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the alleged Indian democracy and probably (5%) overlooked the interests of the Sikhs at large as well as their Muslim Brothers of the world that "it was the intimidation and heavy handedness in destroying the Historical Place related to the Muslims of the world, that is, the destruction of the 'Babri Masjid' in Ayodhya. Culprit  and one of the Hitlers of the Brahmins-Hindus Incorporation, LK Advani and his militant and fundamentalist followers of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' played with the sentiments of the Muslim brothers. They felt as though they have won some war after destroying the Historical Place and worshipping place of the Muslims brothers.

It must be noted and what the 'Brahmins-Hindus', who had been 'subservient' to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3500 years,
 said that there was a 'temple of the chief character of the Mythological epic Ramayana' before the Babri Masjid was built. Where were these 'Brahmins-Hindus' when the Mughal Emperor built the Babri Masjis?

The spineless SGPC jathedars/Band leaders and Akali Dal-Badal Chief, Dogra Prakash Sinh Badal did not raise a voice in favour of our Muslim brothers. This was their duty to raise their voice against the wrong, which they did not, but they sided with the people who are the 'enemies of the Guru Khalsa Panth', to say the least.

2. When the sixth Nanak, Guru Hargobind Sahib ji was imprisoned in the Gwalior jail (now MP) by the ruler of the time, a follower of the sixth Guru, Hargobind Sahib named Hardass who used to prepare deg (Karrah-prasad) and Langar (food) for Guru Sahib until the day Guru Sahib was released from the Gwalior Fort (Qilla), and later Guru ji stayed with him and other followers (Hardass) untill Guru Sahib ji left Gwalior. The Sikhs celebrate the release of the 6th Nanak's, release as 'Bandi-chhorrh Divas'. Many or the Sikh world under the directions of the spineless SGPC's jathedars celebrate this day as "so-Called Diwali of Hindus", has no significance in the "House of Guru Nanak Sahib". Hardass and other Sikhs constructed a Gurdwara where the 6th Nanak's disiple(s) stayed. However, in 1984, in the days of 'Undeclared war on the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan (under the occupation of the Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy in the name of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar of June 1984" and later after the 'Genocide of Sikhs in October-November, 1984, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' destroyed the Gurdwara constructed by Hardass and other Sikhs, and was taken forcibly and turned into a temple/Mandir. The spineless jathedars/Band leaders of SGPC and the Dogra Prakash Sinh Badal administration had have no spine to "put a claim on the Historical Gurdwara constructed in Gwalior in the days of the 6th Nanak or in his memory, to return the Sikhs' Historical place." This is mental state of the Sikhs who talk big and now the 'bootlickers or Chaplianchutters' of the 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged democracy'.

The tale of Sikhs' holy place(s) does not end here. Another example of the Sikhs' Gurdwara in Hardwar, UP, the place where Guru Baba Nanak Sahib had encounter with the 'Brahmins and their bigwigs', whom Guru Sahib demonstrated that I am giving water to my agricultural fields, which are only 300-mile from this place. The 'Bigy-wigy' Brahmins laughed at the Guru Sahib and said how could your water irrigate your crops which are far away from this place. Guru Sahib replied if your water can reach to million of miles away from this place, for your deceased fathers and forefathers, then what is the problem with your mental state and arithmatic calculations for a place which is only 300-mile from this place and on this earth? The 'Big-wiggy' pandits were speechless. At that place, Guru Sahib's Sikhs constructed a Gurdwara Sahib. In 1984, the ' Hindu bigots' destroyed the Gurdwara Sahib and constructed a 'Subzi Mandi' in Hardwar. The SGPC jathedars, Babbas, Sadhs, etc., had no guts to put claims and fight for their Historic places of religious significance.

The above are only two points which have been given for examples. The Akalis and pseudo-Sikh politicians have become 'politically, religiously impotents'. At least, one must encourage, support and learn lessons from the Muslim brothers of the U P, M P, Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, for their 'Rights of Religious places and their land, which is under the occupation of the Brahmins-Hindus Incorporation. 

Best wishes and regards.

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)
Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon Responds

Sardar Surinderjit Singh Rana ji,

Piare Sardar Sahib Rana ji,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

I am responding to your question "Distraction/confusion' is what  best they can stage?
Can any so-called SIKHI organization work on real issues rather than 
confusing and distracting SIKHS?" The answer is 'yes', with certain reservations.
Prime reservation is 'One has to know the Sikh History from the Sikh point of view'.

Those who are the followers of Babas, pseudo-sadhs, jathedars/Band leaders, the so-called Sikhs (Brahmins-Hindus) in 'The Sikh Identity', pseudo-politicians belonging to the Brahmins-Hindus political parties, even the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation, headed by a Dogra Prakash Sinh Badal, his 'joe boys and joe-girls', and cohorts, please Do Not expect that they all will teach you the 'Gurbani inscribed in Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikhs Holy Scripture. These Babas and pseudo-Sikhs must be kicked out from our Gurdwaras.

So there have been the members of the Guru Khalsa Panth who will teach/exchange their views only based on the teachings of the Sikh Guru Sahibaans (Guru Nanak Sahib to Sahib Guru Gobind Singh ji).

The above is the answer of your question(s). Do not pay your respect except 'Guru Granth Sahib ji'.

Best wishes and regards.

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki), Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)


--- On Sun, 12/5/10, Surinderjit <> wrote:

From: Surinderjit <>
Subject: [selfless_sikhs] 'Distraction/confusion' is what best they can stage.....?
Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 3:01 AM


'Distraction/confusion' is what  best they can stage?
Can any so-called SIKHI organization work on real issues rather than 
confusing and distracting SIKHS?


--- On Sun, 12/5/10, Surinderjit <> wrote:

From: Surinderjit <>
Subject: [selfless_sikhs] 'Distraction/confusion' is what best they can stage.....?
Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 3:01 AM


Distraction/confusion' is what  best they can stage?
Can any so-called SIKHI organization work on real issues rather than 
confusing and distracting SIKHS?



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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